Background: "Stunting Syndrome" characterized by various pathological alterations, including impaired linear growth during early life. These changes are linked to higher rates of illness and death, diminished physical and neurodevelopmental abilities, reduced economic potential, and an increased susceptibility to metabolic disorders in adulthood. Stunting can be characterized as cyclical due to the tendency for women who experienced stunting during their own childhood to give birth to children who are also stunted. This perpetuates a cycle of poverty and diminished human capital across generations, which poses significant challenges in terms of breaking this pattern. Objective: The objective of this systematic review was to describe the maternal characteristics associated with stunting syndrome in children under two years of age in developing countries. Methodology: Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA Checklist 2020) was used for data reporting and analysis. Databases including Medline, PubMed, Google scholar and PakMedinet were searched for publications from 2007 to 2023. Authors also performed literatures search using direct websites of local journals. Results: Total fifteen studies were selected, and the most important factor was no or less maternal education 100 %, second most frequent factor was maternal age 66.66% ranging from 20-29 years. Maternal occupation showed 53.33% of mothers belong to working class and socio-economic status 53.33% mothers had poor socio-economic status. Regarding maternal parity 40% of mothers had up-to 3 children and 40% mothers had up-to 3 ante-natal check-ups during pregnancy. As far as maternal nutritional status is concerned33.33% mothers were under-weight with BMI <18.5 and regarding age-appropriate child’s feeding 33.33% mothers had no awareness about it and did not practice it. Conclusions: In this systematic review regarding maternal characteristic associated with stunting syndrome in children under two years of age in developing countries are, no or low maternal education, maternal age ranging from 20-29 years, working and poor socio-economic status mothers, mothers up-to 3 children, mothers with up-to 3 ante-natal checkups during pregnancy, under-weight mothers with <18.5 BMI and mothers without awareness of age appropriate child’s feeding.