Background: Obesity is a worldwide health issue leading to various comorbidities, that can be potentially lifethreatening. Recently, with modern means of technology like WhatsApp and the internet, a vast source of information on public health and problems is accessible to all.. Aim: This study aims to analyze the effect of these approaches in an individual’s daily life, and to see whether they have any role in the prevention of obesity or not. Method: An intervention-based study was carried out among the MBBS students of King Edward Medical University, Lahore (n= 201) in a period of two weeks, and their knowledge, nutrition, and physical activity were assessed before and after the intervention. A 2 weeks intervention was done through the use of articles related to obesity prevention and the importance of a balanced diet, ads, different illustrations, videos on YouTube, recommendations of different gyms and fitness clubs, etc. The majority were girls (67.2%) and in-class fourthyear (65.7%). The mean age of students was 22.13(±1.066) with a mean height of 1.65 (±0.076), and a mean weight of 58.99 (±6.96). Results: The outcome was assessed with a slight difference and an insignificant change in BMI was seen over time. There were, however, significant improvements in health behaviors (walking, sports, screen time, exercise, household chores, healthy eating, junk food intake, and knowledge). Conclusion: There was good participation and high satisfaction with the program. Internet-based programs hold high appeal for the youth, however, a longer follow-up is required to observe significant results.