Post-Covid-19 Long Haul Syndrome




How to Cite

Ikram, W., Atta, M. A., Ashraf, M. A., Nisar, A., Shakoor, H., Batool, F., Tausif, M., & Buzdar, A. (2023). Post-Covid-19 Long Haul Syndrome. Journal of Society of Prevention, Advocacy and Research KEMU, 2(1). Retrieved from



Long Haul Syndrome is a set of conditions that persist for more than 4 weeks after a confirmed diagnosis of COVID-19. Just like COVID-19 diverse symptomatology, the post-COVID19 syndrome also exhibits a diverse clinical spectrum including respiratory (fatigue, shortness of breath, sore throat), cardiovascular (chest pain, palpitations, tachycardia), physical (arthritis, myalgia, weakness), neurocognitive (sleep disorders, anxiety, mood swings, cognitive impairment) and multi-organ diseases. There are certain criteria defining long haul syndrome or post-COVID19 syndrome. It may be defined as “No recovery after symptoms appear for weeks to months regardless of confirmatory diagnostic testing. There is an estimate that SARS-CoV-19 impacted billions of people worldwide across 200 countries since a large population is at risk of developing long-haul covid19. Hence, it is a globally addressed issue of public health. This review will be a nutshell of guiding information covering maximum dimensions from the basis of disease to its multifaceted effects.



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