Nursing is a humanitarian service. Nurses play a pivotal role as the backbone of the health care system, providing continuous round-the-clock services. Occupational stress is any discomfort that is felt and perceived at a personal level and triggered by instances, events, or situations that are too intense and frequent to exceed a person’s coping capabilities and resources to handle them adequately. Empirical studies have shown that occupational stress not only impairs nurses’ psychological well-being but it is also a risk factor for patient safety and nursing quality. The major factors contributing to stress in nurses include perpetual workload leading to work-family imbalance, lack of autonomy, lack of respect and support, lack of resources, reduced pay scale, unfriendly management, conflicts, and facing patient death. Furthermore, nurse to patient ratio is 1:50 in Pakistan, however, the Pakistan nursing council proposes one nurse for ten patients these nursing shortages have profoundly impacted hospitals resulting in work overload thus augmenting nurses’ stress. Depression leads to suicide in 9.20% of society, 3% in men, and 4-9% in women (1). Physical, psychological, and social stimulants are the leading causes of depression (2). Stress work multiplies substance abuse to cope with stress (3). Occupational stress leads to many diseases and is a problem on large scale, its management will enhance qualitative health services for the entire population (4). Various methodologies have been used but now the modern approach is regular (5). Occupational stress causes staff sickness, and absenteeism within NHS (6) which decreases the quality and quantity of care, decreases job satisfaction and increases the cost of healthcare (7).
The current study is aimed to assess the prevalence of depression, anxiety, and stress in a cohort of Lahore nurses, to find out the association between stress and the specialty the nurses are in e.g., medicine, surgery, or emergency. The objective is also to find out whether patients' or doctors' behavior contributes to their occupational stress. This study is also aimed at finding an association of stress with hospital conditions and long work hours and also to identify the strategies nurses use to cope with work stress. Occupational stress encountered by critical care nursing could affect the nurse's performance and reduce their capabilities to provide the appropriate care to patients in ICU, hence the magnitude of stress needs to be assessed. This study identified the overall stress among nurses working in ICUs and the main factors that contribute to work-related stress. Hence it is important to identify the various sources of occupational stress and job satisfaction.